Thursday 15 August 2013

Heading to the Porquerolles

We spent more time in Marseille because of strong wind warnings for a number of days, which also means nasty seas.  The meteo got it right as when we got the ferry back one of these days the water was going over the bow of the ferry and clear back to its stern, 24m back, as it punched out into the waves.  Being warm water it was not a hardship but we were glad not to be at sea.

We left Port Frioul on the 11th August with the intention of sailing straight through to the Porquerolle islands.  However, the initial NW 2-3 died away until we were motoring as we approached Cap Sicie so we ended up anchoring for the night on its East side were a small number of other boats were anchored, a real find.

We had a couple of notable events on the trip: a swordfish jumping out of the water nearby and a helicopter with 'Marine' written along the side circling very low around us before hovering behind a boat going the other way.  We assume it was an arranged practise!

As we got close to the Porquerolles the number of yachts and motor boats we saw increased dramatically; it would appear to be a major destination for yachties and all the anchorages were very packed.  Fortunately, the coast here is different to that south of Cap Sicie and we are able to get into shallow water and anchor where the other yachts can not get (we just have to wait for the day trip motor boats to go at the end of the day if space is short when we arrive).  The downside to being here is the wash all the motorboats blasting around create.  The water is warm and clear so we have been enjoying swimming and being able to see where we have dropped the anchor and how it has set.

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